

Sunday, August 24, 2014

First things First

Priorities are just that.  What you do not learn in a weekend seminar, which is about all people who have jobs can afford-- time wise or financially.  If you can't do an internship, it probably makes sense to find a producer who will allow you just to sit in their office, so you can see what it's all about.  In other words, if this producer doesn't do anything you will know that it's possible that this will happen to you and you will be bored beyond your wildest expectations.  If, however, you like the tasks to be performed and additionally you find the work something you want to do, you will not have wasted your time thinking of theater production as your career of choice.

What do you do once you make that decision.  My suggestion would be to hire a lawyer.  To keep you out of jail and to guide you along the way.  However, find a lawyer that doesn't ever say "we can't do that". Find someone who says, "I'll find a way".  I'm not kidding.  You do not ever want to pay someone the "big bucks" to tell you what you cannot do.  You will also need to find a General Manager (GM), who can help you identify sources of funding as well as handle the budget and all the finances.

The next thing I would suggest is to assess what you have financially, energy wise, and knowledge. 
Never be afraid to ask a question. Even if you have studied how to be a producer, you will not understand until you have produced. In order to do this you will also need to be part of the "theater conversation".  Learn the terms and the tasks... Now take a breath

Friday, August 15, 2014

As has been said by many smarter and more experienced producers, ( hard as that is for me to admit), first things first. Or maybe that's what my mother said. Anyway. The first step is to decide priorites and needs. Then you need to translate those into a team.  For a musical you need a composer, lyricist, orchestrator and musical  director and of course a director who has a vision similar to the writers. Often more than one person can do more than one task. And often reality smacks you in the face.  When you begin everyone loves everyone. But it is important to remember that behind all the hugs and kisses everyone has their own agenda.  There is no such thing as a handshake to solidify a deal.

For one production I worked on the writer was also the composer lyricist and orchestratos. This gave the production a single vision but in this case it worked. It usually doesn't.  Take for example the  latest musical I am working on. I hired an orchestrator who, as it turned out was only ok.  he was paid for his work, although we didn't have a contract, I paid him what I thought was fair.  As it ruined out he cost me more than he was worth.  He was anal about the music and when we recorded it cost twice what it should have. It was only a demo. Worse than anything, he was rude to the actors.... Almost all of them. And these equity actors were working for practilly nothing.  It was horrible. Since he was paid, we found a brilliant orchestrator/musical director, who as instructed, did not use any aspect of what, let's call him Al, had done.

We moved on.  He did not. And months, maybe years later, he did not.  He sued us. I guess his agenda was to make trouble and money one way or the other. The lesson you learn from this is always have a contract and never hire anyone who among other unattractive qualities, is absent a moral core.  More next time.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Do Your Toes Twinkle

Throughout my eclectic kinds of careers-- or how I sent the best years of my life, everytime I went to the theater my toes twinkled.  It was almost impossible to sit through a show I liked without moving my legs.  If you love the theater you will know what I mean.

There was a pattern in my professional life.  I did something for about 4 years and then moved to something else. Mostly, every 4 years I took time to work on some aspect of Presidential Politics, but inbetween campaigns or government I did other things. I kept abreast of what was happening in the theater but I was not an active participant.  The, since it was the only thing I ever wanted to do, I decided to be a producer.  Yes, as I have said, everyone wants to be a producer, but I was serious and an actual producer helped me to find my way. Actually, I met a producer and begged him to just sit in his office so I could learn what I needed to know.  In addition, my husband and I produced a documentary, "The Gefilte Fish Chronicles" and a talented composer wanted to make it into a musical. 

When I went to my first theatre  "class" it was really enlightening.  There were people in the class far more advanced than I (an ant was far more advanced than I), but you learn an important lesson.  There are a million people as talented and more talented than you are.  Sooo if you are going to succeed you need to find a way to distinguish yourself.  More soon....

Monday, August 4, 2014

First steps

If you want to change professions what's the best way to start. First you have to assess your desire. Next you have to be realistic about your ability. Then, and probably most importantly, you have to find a way to be part of the conversation. This means you need to know who the players are. Yes, there are always players. Those are the people who everyone else wants to be.... It doesn't matter if they are producers, directors, actors, choreographers, theater managers, general managers or ticket takers. You need to be familiar with who is doing what, how are they doing it and are they successful.  With this in mind, you need to read all the theater related  publications, on and off line.  And then you need to be political..... More in the next blog.

Friday, August 1, 2014

All Aboard!

Everyone wants to own a restaurant or be a producer.  It's easier to dreaming about these as career possibilities than it is to actually make the a reality.  Both are costly, stressful, and challenging. They are also rewarding, interesting and creative. Having been involved with Presidential Politics for over 30 years, and having decided to change careers once again, my latest endeavor is producing musical theater.  There are no answers to why I decided to do this other than it's something I have always wanted to do.  This blog will introduce you to the how's and why's and hopefully make you laugh out loud.  Welcome to BroadwayRealities.